Fenomena yang jarang terjadi! dimana listrik padam lebih dari 12 jam dan mencakup wilayah jawa barat dan ibukota dki jakarta, berasa balik ke jaman batu :D, mati listrik masih oke, tapi internet dan fasilitas lain terkena dampaknya.

Sometime in your life, do you have feel bored? Me yes. I feel bored because do something same as every day, every week. Just work and studying. Maybe i just want to do something new activity in my life, like the other people. But thanks to God.
Maybe when i've feel bored do same activity every day, another people want to do some activity like me.

Do you know who is that riki? Riki is one heroes in dota 2 game, I Definitely Hate Riki because he can change a game situation in dota 2. Of course is't not one a reason why i hate riki! I hate riki because he have invisibility skill bung! And his power up is like a frog. Jump jump and jump -_-.
I hate riki after my game in low priority last night. I play with my friend. Hmm BTW i hate riki when he play in enemy team, Haha. I hate riki when a good player playing with that hero, but if a noob player playing riki, maybe is time to BLAMMING like  'suck riki, you better quit doto'. :D.
Is't just my opinion about this hero, hmm not opinion i really hate riki!